Monday, October 27, 2008

A random thought..

(This post was supposed to be here on August, but I started typing it in an angry fit of emotions, so I decided not to post it...things have cooled down and now when I read it..I think it is ok for it to be here..It has got nothing to do with the Master's voice..just a random thought!!)

There's one thing that no one would ever say "No thank you", is genuine encouragement. This is something that is really hard to get, especially when you're in desperate need for it. Sometimes you really need someone to say, "Go for it","You can do it", "I trust you man". Unfortunately, we hardly get to hear them.

Sometimes people don't really discourage us with negative comments, but when we adore someone and expect a word of encouragement from them and nothing comes from their mouth, that is very discouraging by itself.

Criticism is not discouragement and I beg to differ with anyone who thinks so, I love it when people criticize me, that's because I know that such people have taken the effort and gone the extra mile to analyse my work. My criticizers are those who know my potential and are not satisfied with all my achievements until I reach my limit.

I thank God for my father, my greatest critic. If my dad says it good, then I don't look for a second opinion. He's never really patted my back and said, "You're really good at this, wonderful work!!". Instead he says, "Its no surprise for me, but you still have a long way to go". This keeps me going. I remember the times I really messed up my life, my critic father was at that time the greatest motivator. He asked me to learn and move forward.

My sister on the other hand is a great encourager, many years younger to me but she sometimes she talks like a sage. I would have missed many opportunities  if she was not there by my side to tell me, "Stop thinking and just 

What I want to convey through this post is this; there are some who don't say anything at all. Those in the 'silence ministry'. If there's anyone who've discouraged me, it was those who belong to this category.They really don't speak out and you spend half you're life wondering what they're thinking.Maybe I'm not matured enough to understand what their intentions are, but as of now I just feel that such people are the lazy ones. 

They are the ones who cannot inspire other lives either by their work, or their words. They don't really help build lives.They just linger around, snooping at others' work and wonder why they are not doing anything. 

I believe that an encourager builds others as well as fishes opportunities to edify himself. Just encourage a person around you, and the next time when you look at the person he'll show that big smile on his face that will make your day.You'll also become the confidant of the person. 
I don't know about you, but if someone trusts me and says that out, that's my greatest compliment.

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