Monday, October 27, 2008

My Jericho called Time Management

(I deleted this post earlier, because I thought it was irrelevant to "My Master's Voice", but then daddy thought it was good so here it is again!!!)

Exams round the corner.The worst time of the year. The only time of the year when I get to see the wee hours of the morning and I wont deny that, it is during these times, there is a lot of strain on my prayer life and Bible reading too.

With a lot of work piled up ahead of me and loads and loads of stuff that I have to stuff into my brain.I resort to fast food for my spiritual diet. A quick prayer for "wisdom", and skimming up a few verses, at the end of this season , my inner person reduces to zero size.

So how do I break free and give to God what belongs to Him and give to Caesar his share as well?
The key is......Time Management

I read in a book , "Time management is Life Management", and I think that, that is completely true. I've missed on many opportunities for serving God because of my bad time management, and sometimes I feel I've given God Cain's offering when I do things in a haphazard manner in the nick of time.

So I decided to do some serious thinking.

Grrr!!! why on earth do I not have enough time?????

I followed the 80/20 rule, 80% of my time was being spent by 20% of the trivial things,and therefore I did not have quality time for the remaining things that really mattered the most in my life.


When I am going through a bad dad always says, "you've eaten the live frog now...nothing else can be worse than this". I need to apply this philosophy while I am juggling time as well. When a set of tasks are presented before me, I should pick up the toughest one, and the one I hate the most to start with. Because if I am going to delay that, I will never set my hands on it.


Old habits die hard, and good habits are born hard.Beware!!! time management is not an art that I can afford to miss. It is an absolute essential like food or water. The quality of my life will improve only if I put my heart and soul to practice it.

I just hope and pray that I'd manage time properly this time so that I'd do my exams really well, and also not miss out on hearing my Master's Voice!!

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