Tuesday, October 21, 2008

God can make the rich young ruler follow Him too...

The rich young ruler could not renounce his worldly possessions in order to follow Christ Jesus.Jesus remarks, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God?"

But then Jesus proceeds to make a divine proclamation, "What is impossible with men is possible with God!"

God's Word never fails; the impossible are coming to pass today.

My friend forwarded me a link to Outlook India magazine, an article written by the editor of Outlook Business, Anand Mahadevan.

An amazing testimony indeed. I believe this is the kind of worshipers that God is looking for, people fervently seeking a relationship with God and not a religious identity. I don't want to copy paste the article here, because the effect of reading it in the midst of other national and international news is truly mind blowing and I don't want you to miss it.

I, The Convert : My conversion was not a change of religion but a change of heart - Anand Mahadevan


Kingsly said...

You are for sure Great Writer in the Making...Keep Writing ..

Callie Ariel said...

Thank you Kingsly..You're words are kind.. :)