Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Wish-list for "My Master's Voice"

My Master's Voice is 1 year and 7 months old. I did'nt have a plan or a goal when I started blogging,as a matter of fact I did not even intend to write consistently. But each time I birthed a piece,a satisfaction filled my heart and it was for this fulfillment that I came back again and again and continued writing.

I have written when I was angry, sad, grateful,happy, sick, hungry, excited, lonely, sleepy, grumpy.....and each entry has a behind the scenes story to tell.

However, the most powerful creative force was the Word of God. I've tried hard, and most of the times in vain, to try and convey the power of God's Word through my stuff, but somehow I have always fallen short.

I've had few loyal visitors to my place(mainly because they had no choice!!!! coz' I wud bombard their mailbox :-) ), some encouraged me directly and many indirectly. I am thankful to all.And even to all those readers who probably landed here by mistake.Because when I go through the analytics statistics, it kinda feels nice when I see occasional traffic from different places.

I realize that I am a terrible amateur and am working everyday to improve the clarity and completeness of my content.But when it comes to being used by God, talent and skill takes second place. His call and anointing is primary.And I am praying and believing for more strength and power in this direction.Please pray for me.

I don't know if My Master's Voice has helped anyone, but it sure has helped me. I have learned to listen more deeply to His voice and by recording the lessons learnt, I have a constant check on my spiritual life.My walk with my Master has truly become more meaningful.

I have been praying about a few new things that I want to venture into, and I want to share my wish-list with you.

1)Poetry - Lyrics.
2)Short Stories - Contemporary with a biblical backdrop.
3)Series on Proverbs.
4)Short interviews.
5)Tough issues such as Addiction,Abuse,Sex, Addiction, Pornography, etc.
6)Topical Studies.

God has given me a career to take care, and I am also juggling with higher studies.Seriously, I don't have the luxury of time.But there's one thing that I am counting on and that is God's heart. The more I stay connected, the more easily will the thoughts and words flow.That way, I wont have to spend much time thinking about content,coz' I have the Source.

I have a long way to go. And I do have dreams, but they're totally insignificant in the light of His desires. Its a privilege by itself, just to be able to live for God.

A small piece of advice before I finish, if you have something like a talent that you want to use for God, just go ahead and use it, don't wait for a stage, and don't expect that people would appreciate you and support all your efforts.

Ask God for the resources and find comfort in His Word.You may not be in the top list right away, but that is no reason to give up. Perseverance is the key.Be consistent, and always keep a check on your motives. Doing right things with wrong motives won't help you qualify God's standards. Be sensitive to the stirs of the Holy Spirit and obey without restraint.Keep your instruments consecrated. Ask for criticisms and accept them.

Make a discerning decision about whom you want to have as an inspiration, and imitate some of their good practices.

And always remember that in all the talents that you exhibit, don't build your image, rather build the Kingdom of God.The driving force behind all your endeavors must be, "He must become greater and I must become less important" - John 3:30

Sorry for becoming preachy!!, I am just trying to be mindful of your blessing [Galatians 6:10].

Believe that you'll thoughtfully pray for me.

Drop in a message!

Be Blessed. Be a Blessing!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

On who's side are you leaning on..?

The kernel thought for this entry is from the book"Be a people person - By John C.Maxwell".I've added a few modifications and some emphasis, the colored lines are those picked verbatim from the book.

Is there a challenge set before you to face ?
Is trouble holding you hostage ?
Is there a huge army waiting to wage a war against you ?
Are you endeavoring with all your might for a breakthrough ?

You are God's anointed and you operate in the strength and power of God.You have seen God's hands work miraculous wonders through you and in you, and when you remind yourself of your past victories, you begin to believe more stronger that you'll see success this time as well.

A great confidence booster is a personal victory list of past successes and achievements. This is a biblical concept which we can learn from two Bible characters who practiced this: Samson and David.

Both of them were very successful in the things that they were doing.Samson defeated the Philistines in all his encounters and David proved himself to be a brave shepherd.

But note what their success did to them.

In Judges 16:20 we read: "And she[Delilah] said, 'The Philistines are upon you, Samson!'And he awoke from his sleep and said,'I will go out as at other times and shake myself free.'But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.'

Now let's read about David in 1 Samuel 17:37: "And David said,'The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.' And Saul said to David, 'Go, and may the Lord be with you."

The strong similarities between these two men were that

  • They were both chosen, ordained and anointed by God.
  • They both were leaders of Israel at a time when Israel was battling against the Philistines.
But it was something about what their successes did to them that made Samson a loser and David a victorious king.

Samson wanted to please himself, he used the resources given by God to fulfill his lust and his own desires.

When a new challenge was set before him , he was so alienated from God that he was on the lap of Delilah. He lived life in the flesh, depending on his own strength, and the evidence of his past successes when he was going into battle.He felt no need to rely upon God and therefore chose the road to ultimate defeat.

His desire was not to please God with what was given to him rather to use it for his own benefit.

Unlike Samson, David desired to please God.When the challenge to defeat Goliath was set before him, he proclaimed his victory list by giving God the glory.He knew that, left to his own resources, he was already defeated.So he called upon the Lord and went to battle with divine help.The rest is history.

For David, this episode with Goliath was the beginning of his leadership.It was the incident that brought him to a position where God could greatly use him.

We need to be victorious in everything we do and every battle we face.That's God's desire too. God gives us a few victories to see what we are doing with it.If we are using every promotion, every new blessing and every level up for His honor. He will give us a victory that will put us in a position where He can use us mightily and honor us greatly.

But if we're going to use your successes on yourself, we'll have to live a long mediocre life satisfying our ego by talking about our past.

Its time we ask ourselves,

What have we done with our past successes ?

Have our successes made us so self seeking that we are now resting on Delilah's lap ?

Do we remember that we see success only by His strength, and no one is self-made ?

How do we chose to face the challenge set before us today ?

Have we realized our inadequacy ?

Let us move forward, face the challenge, fight the battle for His glory by relying on His strength. Then we'll always be on the winning side.