I was frantically searching for my money-purse today. Inspite, of my friends and parents reprimanding me, I have not yet learnt the habit of carrying it everywhere I go, so I usually lose track of where my purse is; but then., I've never lost it.I retrieve it when required.
Today, I needed to give money to a friend so I was trying to locate it. I searched for it in every ususal place.I cleared up the mountain of papers,books and other junk on my table and started my expedition of finding my red purse.The electricity went off and if I continued any further considering my exceptional eyesight, it would be a vain attempt. Moreover, it was nearing the time to board my bus to college, and I would in no way want to strike the first day of my exam on a wrong note.
Caught in a deluge of information, formulas, principles, names and propositions relating to Management. The image of my red purse tried floating through, ressisting the strong currents of my brain waves working hard with the answer sheet.
After the ordeal, inside the exam hall. Thorougly exhausted, and with fingers frozen with pain. I forgot about the red purse. I had a peaceful nap in the bus, and then returned home to continue. I slept for a while and then, the red purse came back. No alarm could have woken me up faster!!! I woke up with a startle and headed straight downstairs and began looking for it.
I searched and searched, in the process I cleared so much of junk(my study hols quota!!) that was piled up in the hall.I emptied the huge stack of old papers and believe me, I understood the meaning of "nook and corner" only today.
No avail, I could'nt find it anywhere. I started mentally preparing myself to be given up for condemnation to be proved guilty and then to receive punishment. I heard the voice of my mom in my head, "You are such an irresponsible person!!", my dad, "You are lazy and unorganized".Then finally the verdict, "No more money, no more cards, everything will be stopped hereafter". Wow!! my brain was enjoying a roller-coaster ride for free.
It is great to have your grandparents around, and I have the privelege of having my loving grandma living with me.When she saw my frenzy,she patiently asked me some questions about the whereabouts of my purse, when and where I last saw it, and then gave me a stick and asked me to move it under the TV table and feel for my purse there. I didn't really believe that my purse would lie in that dark dirty corner. But I just did what she said.
Bravo! Eureka!! I found my long lost red purse covered with a layer of dust. I picked it up wiped off the cobwebs that had gotten over it.And then I gave it to my grandmother, I said "Ammachi, Here! you keep it and I'll get it from you when I want. Only you can keep it safe".
I just made a mental decision to never throw my stuff around, but this experience taught me just more than that.
I too, like my red purse sometimes wander off to a dark dirty corner. No one really notices, at first. But then as my behaviours begin to change, my attitudes change, and when laziness creeps in, then do people realize that I'm no where to be found.But there I am!! covered with dust and cobwebs in a dirty dark corner.
My Master finds me.., no matter where I'd side track and then give me to the Safe Hands of the Holy Spirit (forgive me if I am theologically wrong!!) The Holy Spirit is the only One who truly knows me fully well.He takes care of me, nurtures me, gives me a gentle pat when I am wrong and sometimes a tough spank when I throw a tantrum.
So safe and comfortable are His hands.If I need to be conected with God always, then the I need to surrender myself completely to the Holy Spirit. We can't really have 'more' of Him in your life rather we have to surrender the whole of us to Him.The Master may need me any time, sometimes for a Big thing and sometimes just for a little mundane errand,and if I am not found in the place where He left me then I lose a big opportunity to serve Him. So I decide to cling on firmly to the Holy Spirit.
"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,"[1 Peter 5:6]
Sometimes we consider the Holy Spirit just as an offer in the pacakage called 'salvation'.It is true that the moment you surrender your lives to Christ Jesus, the Holy Sprit comes and lives in your hearts. But thats only part of the story, it is we who have to give Him ultimate ownership and leadership of our heart,mind,soul, and body.Doing so helps us to walk around truly as sons and daughters of the living God.
Like my red-purse, now that I am in safe Refuge, He'll make sure that I don't wander off but stay secure, so that when my Master needs me he can pick me up and use me.
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