It's hard for me to romanticize the rain, see beauty in the beetle, be charmed by flowers, or be taken captive by the moon. But, I like catching cockroaches and pulling their legs off. Also, when I smash mosquitoes, I take a moment to see its tiny body covered in its own blood - or mine. If all this counts..then I'm a nature-admirer too.. :)
There was this big cobweb in the elevator with a fat spider enthroned right at the center of the web, waiting to catch it’s prey. Now, the spider web was really large. It was almost the size of both my palms placed beside each other. Right above my head, hung this really complex construction.
I don't know how a spider weaves a web, but I'm sure that it definitely is a tough piece of work. However, for the all powerful me (who knows nothing about spiders or weaving webs) it would only take a minute to dust away that intricate and complex structure.
Absorbed in the pleasure of its own work, I bet the spider never realized my power to destroy its weak and delicate web.
Studying, working, earning, saving, getting accepted, building houses, castles, dreams, getting married, raising kids..Whew! our life is complicated too, and just like the spider, we sit on the throne we've built for ourselves assuming that we are in full control. Our webs are intricately complex and exceedingly beautiful. But quite often we forget that our web which looks strong enough to hold us, is actually flimsy and temporal.
It seems like we’re in control of everything, until our life comes crashing down on us. That’s when we realize that we were NOT in control. No wonder people seek God when all is gone.
It’s true that we were created to work, labor, relate and build our lives. But, we shouldn’t forget that there is a God, all powerful, all knowing, and all seeing God who holds the real control. Whatever we do is subject to Him.
Whenever I go through a rough patch, I say to myself, “Hey…Don’t worry, God is in control.” But when I started to get increasingly obsessed about planning and building the details of my own life, the spider taught me. “Slow down.. Be careful..Do you remember that God is in Control? And NOT you.”
I don’t believe in a punishing, unjust or unfair God. Yet, there are times, when I realize that I better be careful that I don’t overindulge in self-love, overstep His commands, ignore His direction, or get too busy to spend time with Him. Thanks to Mr. Spider who reminded me this.
"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30"
Be thoughtful, Be Grateful. Remember He is in Control.
Learning to let go,
Good writing. Interesting observation and interpretation. God bless you.
Good article. Interesting observation and interpretation. Keep up the good work. You have a good discipline of consistent writing. Keep it up. Manokaran
I loved the way you have written it. I wanted to read more and more! :) felt it was very different from all ur other writings! simple, yet a very powerful thought. A spider is assiduous is all that I knew. But now, I will always remember that a spider wants me to check my way of living and ensure that my God is in the midst of everything I do! Thank you akka! :)
A very good thought Caroline.... An apt message for the "All is Well" generation....
Well Said. Though "He is in control is a warning for us, It is also a comforting thought for us"..
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