Sunday, September 19, 2010

No Funeral

Hi, MMV didn’t have a funeral. It’s alive and well, on its way to take a new avatar.

I’m a scatterbrain, and my thoughts about my blog also began to scatter. So I started 3 other ones but could not proceed further.His Servant’s Voice was not bad though, I managed to scribble some poetry. But the other attempts were dead in my head itself.

There are always two things warring in our life, competing with each other for our energy and attention. One being the have-to-do’s and the other being the want-to-do’s. Writing for me is a want-to-do.

The energy and enthusiasm that drives me towards the have-to-do’s is directly proportional to the energy that I spend on writing. The more I write, the more enthusiastic I am about my job, my studies, my friends, my family and my world.

Don’t neglect what you want to do, just because your responsibilities are mounting. Write that story, paint that potrait, design that dress, cook that meal, publish that website, write that song, create that band, play cricket, and go and meet those friends.

It’s your life, and you wont have another chance to live it. Stop reading this and get going..and hey! no facebook on the other tab.

Before you go, tell me what is that you really want to do, chose to be anonymous if you wish!

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