I wonder if Mary had this question, "The angel's visit to my place about the birth of Christ through me was awesome news.. I got conceived as a virgin..that's a miracle. In spite of being in a scandalous situation, almost at the verge of being stoned to death, my fiance - Joseph accepted me as his wife- that's even a greater miracle. But here we are trying to find a place to give birth to God's Child. No place in the inn, and all that we could find was a place with animals. Why can't God provide ? It's His Son after all."
But Mary as we know was a woman of absolute surrender, so these questions did not discourage her.
There were shepherds living out in the fields and watching out their flocks at night near by where Jesus was born. Near Bethlehem, on the road to Jerusalem, there was a tower known as Migdal Eder, or the watch-tower of the flock. Here , was the station where shepherds watched the flocks destined for sacrifice in the temple. *
Jesus was chosen to be the One, who would be sacrificed for the sins of the world. So, it needs little explanation to understand why God chose these shepherds to witness the new born child.
But I wonder if the shepherds had this question, "OK, we're banned people in our community, we're not even allowed in the temple, yet we get to see a glorious angel. That's amazing enough. But wait.. the sign given to us, is to find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.. That's confusing...
We don't deserve it and all. We've received great favor to hear this good news. But all that He's showing us is a manger. Is that a sign ? Is that a sign to recognize a God-child? . We're completely thrilled with the angelic visitation, but you're leading us towards a dark, dirty place to see an ordinary helpless infant wrapped like every other child in swaddling clothes. "
These shepherds did not have these questions. Instead, they said, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." a
I'm not like Mary or the shepherds, and these are pretty much the questions I have about life.
Like Mary and Joseph, I receive the glorious promise of God and I have a great vision to accomplish, but unlike them, I get absolutely discouraged when I have to take a long bumpy ride to see it fulfilled.
Like the shepherds, I realize how unworthy I am to receive God's favor. But unlike them, I fail to act immediately.
Christmas reminds me that being in a place of lack does not deny His promise. He provides what we can never achieve. But sometimes, He lets us cross small hurdles by ourselves. Nevertheless, it's all a part of His plan.
Our temporary lack of providence cannot deny the permanency of His promise.
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem and the sign that was given was this,
"This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" b
God's purpose can be revealed in the humble circumstances of life. Don't let the difficulties in your way stop you from reaching your God given goals.
Jesus came to save all people from their sins.
God accomplished what He promised.
Merry ChristmasWith love,
Callie Ariel
Image Courtesy
* Vincent Word Studies
a Luke 2:15
b Luke 2:12